springboot-Spring boot application.properties file locations
1. Introduction
This article would demo the default locations of application.properties file in spring boot application, and demo how to use custom locations to put the file in.
2. Environments
- SpringBoot 1.x and 2.x
3. Four default locations you can put your application.properties outside jars
By default, springboot application would search by the following order to locate your application.properties:
- file:./config/
- file:./
- classpath:/config/
- classpath:/
for example, if you have a jar file name myapp-exec.jar as follows:
- myapp-exec.jar
Then ,you can put the application.properties file in the following locations:
- myapp-exec.jar
- application.properties
or this:
- myapp-exec.jar
- config
- application.properties
4. Custom application.properties file locations
If you want to put your application.properties file in a custom directory, for example:
- myapp-exec.jar
- conf
- application.properties
You can use the spring.config.location option to specify the customized location of your application.properties file:
Notice the ‘/’ in the spring.config.location, according to spring documents:
If spring.config.location contains directories (as opposed to files), they should end in / (and, at runtime, be appended with the names generated from spring.config.name before being loaded, including profile-specific file names)
5. Summary
Although springboot allows to define your custom location of application.properties file, you’d better use the default location for better understanding and communication in the team.